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Super Lugol’s <br> Thyroid Drops

Super Lugol’s
Thyroid Drops

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PRICE US $54.00
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    • The best thyroid supplement you will ever try. Dr. Lugol was the first to research that you need to combine elemental iodine with potassium iodine for it to be the most effective form for the thyroid to use. There are many thyroid supplements on the market but none quite like this one. Most iodine supplements contain only a 2-5% solution, ours contains 15%. Ours is highly concentrated and you will feel the results right away. Most people, especially woman, are extremely deficient in iodine. All orders include instructions. Only need a couple drops a day. Should last several months.

      DISCLAIMER: * Products found on Miracule.com have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition. If you have a health condition or concern, consult a physician or your alternative health care provider.
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